my plan

My house is located in Bogor precisely in the area of ​​Kemang my family are immigrants in this country, we have long been living here about 20 years. my neighborhood still feels beautiful and cool as diverse as the city. most of the livelihoods of residents in my area was a farmer and merchant, as for those who work as teachers and office is a newcomer. It crossed my mind if I want to have a lot of capital to build a factory I felt great for the economy have been improving people around where I live, for example by building factories snacks that are not too put out waste, such as producing cassava chips, why cassava chips?? because around my area many farmers growing cassava, in addition to the waste from the manufacture of cassava chips can also be something useful like:

1. cassava peel
Cassava can be processed into organic fertilizer which is then referred to the compost. cassava skin compost useful as a source of nutrients for plants and potentially as an insecticide plant. Use of this cassava skin compost, it has many advantages such as reducing the problem of waste and increase the sale value of cassava peel itself because it is used as fertilizer.

2. Used oil jelanta
Turns used cooking oil can also be used as an alternative fuel, which is as light fuel oil (Java: sentir lights). This of course is very useful and can be applied if power is suddenly lost, while at home there is no other tool that can be relied lights.

How to use it is very simple, does not require a fee and does not require much time. First, provide a biscuit tin lid or other container that does not leak or burn easily if touched by the fire. Pour used cooking oil into it. Then, take the cotton segumpalan already in padatkan and place in the middle of the biscuit tin lid.

Take a few moments to seep oil soaks all parts of cotton. Furthermore, the cotton burn it with a match, lit up like a lamp oil. Well, light fuel oil used cooking oil ready to light up your room.

 with like that I can set up the factory without any harmful waste for society and the environment. and I can also keep the area around my neighborhood remains unexploited.

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